Sunday, May 31, 2009

'Quiet' Sunday

So here I sit on a Sunday afternoon. An ideal Sunday afternoon for me...two girls napping, one boy at a friends', the other out with Daddy. I have the house to myself - pretty much and I get to work in peace and quiet. Believe me, this is hard to come by in this house. Working, uninterrupted working during daytime hours! Except working in that kind of quiet doesnt' really work for me. Don't get me's perfect to work without any kid noises! Call me crazy but I can stay a little more focused without someone at my feet every two seconds. But I still need a certain degree of noise. I need music to get me motivated. So I've found the IPod, turned on some good 'noise' ("So What" by Pink to start) and I'm good to go.
So now the only problem is......this isn't my IPod. It's my hubby's. And we don't really have the same taste in music. So for every ten songs I find one that works for me! "I'm Still A Guy" by Brad Paisley isn't motivating for me. I know.....that's surprising, isn't it?!?!
And yes....if you're wondering, I do sing along with Pink! As quietly as one can sing Pink without waking my two sleeping beauties.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Yesterday's session was with two adorable little boys on the golf course! They were so cute, swinging their clubs and desperately trying to hit that ball. And I never realized that the sand traps are great for those 'beach' photos too!

After spending some time outside we headed in the house for some great 'studio' shots. These kids and their Mom worked it for me! Soooo worked it! I could have stayed there forever shooting them. You guys were awesome! Thanks for having me. I had a blast!

Monday, May 25, 2009

One Sweet Girl

I have so many favourites from this session that I'm not sure which ones to post. This little one is nothing but pure sweet. She was so easy to photograph - which is why I can't pick just one image to post. I'll post a few and then add a few different ones to the website. This first one with two stuffies - two very well-loved stuffies. One of them from Mom as a child and the other was Dad's. Photos with a doesn't get any better than that.

My ultimate goal when photographing is to capture the true relationship between those in the image. Not to just take a capture the love and bond that families share. Even without Mom's face this image captures that true bond between a mother and her infant.

I can't take full credit for this photo. I sat this little one down on my backdrop to photograph her in only a diaper when her uncle suggested to add the bowl of oranges from their counter. I have to admit that I wouldnt' have thought of that. But I will from now on!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

In Loving Memory...

You never really realize how much your life can be put on hold until a loved one passes away. But life can be put on hold. Everything can stop and the issues of getting certain tasks done don't really seem to be as important as you thought they were. At least for that time, until you can deal with things again. Our family has been dealing with the loss of my mother-in-law for the past few weeks. She had been fighting Multiple Sclerosis for the past 19 years and we're thankful she doesn't have to deal with that disease yet we miss her all at the same time.
We are so lucky to have great family and friends that have rallied around us and picked up all the pieces that we couldn't help but drop. And the tons of fresh flowers around my house now......I've never been given sooooo many in my life, let alone all at one time! And as cliché as it may sound....I'm making sure to take the time to stop and smell them.

Friday, May 8, 2009

It's Here!!!

My newest canvas has finally arrived! And I HAD to post a photo of it. This canvas turned out perfectly and I have to say....I'm very proud of myself! I photographed this little one 4 months ago, when she was only 4 days old. And this is how she was for most of the session. She was absolutely perfect.
But this canvas isn't staying. It will be displayed in the waiting area of the K-W Midwifery, across the street from Grand River Hospital.
So for those of you that are clients with those amazing midwives - believe me, they are amazing! I know first-hand - make sure you take a peek at the artwork!