So here I sit on a Sunday afternoon. An ideal Sunday afternoon for me...two girls napping, one boy at a friends', the other out with Daddy. I have the house to myself - pretty much and I get to work in peace and quiet. Believe me, this is hard to come by in this house. Working, uninterrupted working during daytime hours! Except working in that kind of quiet doesnt' really work for me. Don't get me wrong...it's perfect to work without any kid noises! Call me crazy but I can stay a little more focused without someone at my feet every two seconds. But I still need a certain degree of noise. I need music to get me motivated. So I've found the IPod, turned on some good 'noise' ("So What" by Pink to start) and I'm good to go.
So now the only problem is......this isn't my IPod. It's my hubby's. And we don't really have the same taste in music. So for every ten songs I find one that works for me! "I'm Still A Guy" by Brad Paisley isn't motivating for me. I know.....that's surprising, isn't it?!?!
And yes....if you're wondering, I do sing along with Pink! As quietly as one can sing Pink without waking my two sleeping beauties.