Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Merry Christmas Everyone!

I can't believe we are this close to Christmas. Am I ready? .....Not even close! Haven't even wrapped a gift yet. But it will get done. I know it will get done. Because I don't have a choice and it has to get done! I do wish I had another week to enjoy the holidays a little more though. The older I get the faster Christmas sneaks up on me. I absolutely LOVE this time of year, it's my favourite, and hate that it goes by so quickly. But I'm enjoying every minute of it. My plan is to put all little people to bed tomorrow night, grab myself a big mug of hot chocolate and wrap like a mad woman. Nothing like leaving things till the last minute, right?!?!

I hope all of you have as magical a Christmas as I know we'll have. I can't wait to see my four little faces light up when they see what Santa has left for them. Think of me at 5 am since this seems to be tradition that we're up at that insane hour on Christmas morning. Oh well.....there will be enough time to sleep someday. But now....there's memories to make. Sleep isn't as important as that!

I also wanted to take this opportunity to thank all my amazing clients. I truly have the best clients. All of you make my job easy and enjoyable. I can't wait to see what 2010 brings!

And for those of you that didn't get our Christmas card this year here's my sweet faces I was talking about.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Here's a peek of my most recent newborn session. We kept things nice and toasty in the room ....and I mean toasty! for this little guy and after much perserverance, got him to sleep fairly soundly. Notice how I use the word 'fairly'. He did not want to leave warm arms. And I didn't want to put him down either. I would have gladly held him the entire afternoon but that wasn't what I was there for. A photographer just can't get those great images all while holding the newborn....although don't think I haven't tried! But see....persistence does pay off.
You will be seeing more of this little one over the next year. I am lucky enough to be photographing him every few months during his first year. I can't wait to compare this newborn shot to his images at a year old.

Monday, November 23, 2009

A few details.....and goods

I've been missing on my blog for a while. I apologize for that. I really wish I had a chance to blog more but fall is my busiest season and this year is my busiest yet. I've worked with some amazing clients these past few months, doing their sessions and getting their Christmas cards and books off to press, along with my own family cards. So with all of this going on, something had to take a backseat and it ended up being my blog. Just not a number one priority right now.
But I've taken a little editing break to show you the surprise I gave one of my clients last month (see previous blog below). I also have a sample copy here so if you're looking at a great gift this is a perfect personalized one to give. A 5x5 hard or soft cover fine art book. It's a great size for anyone in your family. If you'd like to see the real-live version let me know. I've attached a few photos so you can get a peak of it.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


One of my clients is about to get a surprise. And I can't wait to see their faces! It's on it's way to me as we speak. This is a totally unexpected 'thank you' from me to them. I love surprises! Ok....let me clarify that. I love being the surprisor. Being the surprisee is ok but it can be a little unsettling at times. I guess it just goes back to the fact that it's easier for most people to give than to receive. And I'm one of them.

Anyways, I hope they love their surprise. They so deserve it! I'll fill you in on the details later. I don't want to spoil anything.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

No pain no gain...

That may be true for some things but it's definitely not true for photo sessions. Especially not true for this family. This family of four had a blast during our session...and so did I! They made me laugh so often and gave me so many great shots. Here are just a few (because blogging their entire session would be a lot!)

This is one of my favourite shots. A goofy boy and his mom. Maybe I love it so much because
I can so relate.

A family session wouldn't be complete without the family pet. This puppy is such a part of this family and even though she's little she makes herself heard! And you should have heard the things she was saying to me!

And another shot, showing everyone's personality. Even as I edit you guys are still making me giggle! Redicleous! (Sorry...I had to throw an inside joke in there. You had to be there!)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

As Promised...

Here's the continued sneak peek from my previous post. This little one has a spunk to her that kept her alert for quite a while. But this session probably goes down as my quietest session to date. Mom had to put in a bit of work to get her to settle but once she did we had a chunk of peaceful baby sleep to work with. With a lot of whispering! And here's the result.

Here's a pre-nap shot. Alert and ready to conquer the world! I have no doubt that this little girl will do some big things in her life.

Friday, September 18, 2009

A Quick Peek

I know I haven't blogged in a while and for that I apologize. My busy season is here full force and my blog had to take a backseat to everything else. But I did want to post a sneak peek of a sweet new little one that I just photographed. I will post a few more images from this session shortly but here's a little something until then. And a cute little something at that!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

"It's Beginning to Look Alot Like Christmas"

Ok....not really. Not even close. But I had to add an appropriate title and this is all I could come up with at this hour. I'm tired tonight, what can I say?!?!
I'm giving everyone a heads-up that it's time to start thinking about Christmas. If you're looking to book a photo session to give as gifts or to add to your Christmas cards my deadline for this is Friday, October 23rd. I know that sounds early but with my 4-6 week turn-around time this means your dvd of images will arrive in good time for the holidays.
And things are booking up quickly. There aren't many openings left in my schedule between now and then. So if you're thinking about booking......think quick! I usually only book one session per weekend but from now until then I'm opening it up for sessions on both Saturdays and Sundays.
I also have some designs in the works for Christmas cards. I'll post some examples soon for you to take a peak at. I think you'll love them. I do! I'll post pricing info in the post with the examples. Check back soon for this!
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good-night! ...........Remember, I'm really tired!!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


I've recently learned a new editing technique to create a retro style to my images. I have to say that I LOVE IT!!! I'm sure it's not for everyone but I really think it gives images a great look. I mean, it's got to be the right type of image. I couldn't put it on everything I shoot. But with the right image it brings out emotion and depth to the photo. Here's a great example of my new 'retro' look. With an adorable little one to go along with it. What do you think?

Friday, July 31, 2009

Another Yummy Newborn

Newborn babies, to me, are just yummy. They are so sleepy and cuddly and are the perfect models. And this little one was no exception. I always tell my clients that I prefer to book a newborn session within the first 10 days. And here's my reason..... Sleepiness! This little one was 5 days old and was still really sleepy. And there is nothing as precious as capturing a sleeping newborn.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

My Own Girlies

You would think that, since I'm a photographer, I'd have a ton of gorgeous photos of my own children. Yes, I do have great canvas-worthy shots but not as many as you'd expect. The reason.....my children have what's known in the photography world as PKS. Photographer's Kid Syndrome. All four of them have it. Some to more of a degree than others but they all have it none the less. The symptoms of PRS can vary depending on mood; cranky along with a grouchy look, silly with a hands-in-mouth crazy face, clinging on mommy/photographer's leg or just plain incompliance. My littlest has been known to close her eyes, hoping I'll take the dreaded camera away. I can get any of my clients' children to co-operate with me and they have a blast in the process. But my own....not so easy. Here's a shot of PKS at its finest. My baby. I'm lucky I got this much of her.....I usually get the back of her head.
I did manage to get a shot of both the girls. A perfect moment captured on camera forever. Sharing ice cream an popsicles at the fountain. And if you could only have seen me......on the ground, moving as quickly and inconspicuously as possible just to capture this moment. Picture a scene from a Mission Impossible movie - music and all.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Job Requirement

To be in this line of work you need to have a love for babies. It's a must. Without that what kind of photographer would I be. But there are some babies that just steal my heart. And this little guy was one of them. I have to be honest and say he wasn't the most content baby (this is the part where his parents are now sarcastically laughing). But once we got him settled he was the perfect model and I could have stayed to photograph him all day.
How can you not love that gorgeous little face and that great head of hair!

Monday, June 29, 2009


I just finished editing a session of two sisters. There's something about two sisters - no matter what their ages. There just seems to be a bond between two sisters - a bond that starts from the beginning and lasts a lifetime. These two were little but the bond was still obvious. So obvious....

Here's a shot of just the big sister. Yes, she looks like she's petrified of me and my camera but she soooo was not. She loved having her photos taken. Absolutely loved it.

I'll be adding a few more of this family to my site as well so take a peek. I just can't resist - both these girls are beautiful.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

A Mom & Her Girl

A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to photograph a friend of mine with her daughter. Just the two of them. The rest of the family stayed home and Mom & daughter had some well-needed girl time. I think this is a great idea. I hope to someday book a photographer to capture the individual moments between me and each of my children. Yes, even photographers need to book a photographer!

So here's a sneak peak from their session. Things got a little tricky when the rain started but we managed to still get some shots done. Thanks for a great afternoon guys!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I'm a Twit

For all of you that are ready to jump on that statement, hold on! Yes, you're initial thought is true. I will own up to that. But by twit I mean that I'm twittering. I tweet. Ok, enough! The deal is that I started using Twitter. And to tell you the truth....um, I'm just not sure. I'm not quite sure why I started Twitter. I really didn't need to add anything else to my To Do List. But I signed up for it anyways. It was one of those things that I thought I should try myself and see what all the fuss is all about. So if you're on Twitter, look me up. I'm there.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Mother's Day Surprise...

A while back I had blogged that I did a really fun session but I couldn't give any more info because it was to be a Mother's Day gift and I didn't want to spoil the surprise. Well.....since Mother's Day is long past, I can now blog about this great session. And the great gifts that came from it.
I was asked by my 6 year old son's teacher if I'd be interested in helping her pull off a surprise for all the Moms of her students. Of course I wanted to help! There was no way I'd say no to that. She had the kids make clay frames and instead of asking the parents to send in a photo of their child she wanted it to be a complete surprise. So this is where I came in. And I came into the school totally discreet. Ok, not quite! I came in with all my gear....camera, lenses, backdrop and stand, bean bag chair! I travel lightly, don't you think?!?!
The kids worked the camera so well. From what I could tell, they all seemed to have fun. And here's the end product.....my Mother's Day gift from my son! Thanks Bud....I love it!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

'Quiet' Sunday

So here I sit on a Sunday afternoon. An ideal Sunday afternoon for me...two girls napping, one boy at a friends', the other out with Daddy. I have the house to myself - pretty much and I get to work in peace and quiet. Believe me, this is hard to come by in this house. Working, uninterrupted working during daytime hours! Except working in that kind of quiet doesnt' really work for me. Don't get me wrong...it's perfect to work without any kid noises! Call me crazy but I can stay a little more focused without someone at my feet every two seconds. But I still need a certain degree of noise. I need music to get me motivated. So I've found the IPod, turned on some good 'noise' ("So What" by Pink to start) and I'm good to go.
So now the only problem is......this isn't my IPod. It's my hubby's. And we don't really have the same taste in music. So for every ten songs I find one that works for me! "I'm Still A Guy" by Brad Paisley isn't motivating for me. I know.....that's surprising, isn't it?!?!
And yes....if you're wondering, I do sing along with Pink! As quietly as one can sing Pink without waking my two sleeping beauties.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Yesterday's session was with two adorable little boys on the golf course! They were so cute, swinging their clubs and desperately trying to hit that ball. And I never realized that the sand traps are great for those 'beach' photos too!

After spending some time outside we headed in the house for some great 'studio' shots. These kids and their Mom worked it for me! Soooo worked it! I could have stayed there forever shooting them. You guys were awesome! Thanks for having me. I had a blast!

Monday, May 25, 2009

One Sweet Girl

I have so many favourites from this session that I'm not sure which ones to post. This little one is nothing but pure sweet. She was so easy to photograph - which is why I can't pick just one image to post. I'll post a few and then add a few different ones to the website. This first one with two stuffies - two very well-loved stuffies. One of them from Mom as a child and the other was Dad's. Photos with a story.....it doesn't get any better than that.

My ultimate goal when photographing is to capture the true relationship between those in the image. Not to just take a picture....to capture the love and bond that families share. Even without Mom's face this image captures that true bond between a mother and her infant.

I can't take full credit for this photo. I sat this little one down on my backdrop to photograph her in only a diaper when her uncle suggested to add the bowl of oranges from their counter. I have to admit that I wouldnt' have thought of that. But I will from now on!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

In Loving Memory...

You never really realize how much your life can be put on hold until a loved one passes away. But life can be put on hold. Everything can stop and the issues of getting certain tasks done don't really seem to be as important as you thought they were. At least for that time, until you can deal with things again. Our family has been dealing with the loss of my mother-in-law for the past few weeks. She had been fighting Multiple Sclerosis for the past 19 years and we're thankful she doesn't have to deal with that disease yet we miss her all at the same time.
We are so lucky to have great family and friends that have rallied around us and picked up all the pieces that we couldn't help but drop. And the tons of fresh flowers around my house now......I've never been given sooooo many in my life, let alone all at one time! And as cliché as it may sound....I'm making sure to take the time to stop and smell them.

Friday, May 8, 2009

It's Here!!!

My newest canvas has finally arrived! And I HAD to post a photo of it. This canvas turned out perfectly and I have to say....I'm very proud of myself! I photographed this little one 4 months ago, when she was only 4 days old. And this is how she was for most of the session. She was absolutely perfect.
But this canvas isn't staying. It will be displayed in the waiting area of the K-W Midwifery, across the street from Grand River Hospital. http://www.kwmidwifery.ca/
So for those of you that are clients with those amazing midwives - believe me, they are amazing! I know first-hand - make sure you take a peek at the artwork!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A Little Cupcake.....or a lot

So a group of us girls headed out last night to The Cake Box for a cupcake decorating class. So much fun - especially with this group! We had a blast and came away with some VERY yummy treats. Who knew we were all this talented. We impressed ourselves considering we all figured we'd come away with pitiful looking treats. All of our kids are in their glory today!

If you've never had the chance to sample some of The Cake Box cakes, cupcakes and cookies, you're truly missing out. A great store-front shop with an atmosphere to match. Check out their website for a glimpse of their creations http://www.cakebox.ca/

Thanks, Yvonne for a wonderful evening. You've inspired me!

Monday, April 27, 2009


So being the photographer in the family it's not too often that I'm in a photo. I've told my husband that if something were to ever happen to me please let our children know I existed because there are no photos to prove it!
We went away for a familly vacation recently and I decided....being the goof that I am....to take a picture of myself. So here's my proof that I really do exist!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Those Eyes

I recently photographed Baby B. Her shirt read "Cutest Thing Ever". I love that shirt! Her eyes are what got me though. So big, so blue and just taking everything in. And whenever I needed her to she'd look right into my camera.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Workshop Today

What a great day! I facilitated another workshop on tips for photographing your children. Come to think of it, I really should take a look at my tips since my own children turn the other way the minute they see me with my camera! But that's a whole other entry. Anyways, I spoke at the Wilmot Family Resource Centre in New Hamburg and the group was great. I knew the Moms were bringing their kids so I had to bring my equipment with me. How could I pass up the opportunity to photograph some cute little faces. And wow....were they ever cute!

This is Little N who I would choose for a model anyday. She loved having her photo taken. Actually, she loved seeing herself on the back of my camera but that led to her loving having her photo being taken.

Then it was her baby brother's turn. This little guy had the bluest eyes for a 7 week old.

Then Mom & Baby had a bit of quiet time. Well...as quiet as you can get with a room full of children. Ok, so not really quiet time but 1 on 1 time.
Thanks so much for being great models. You guys were so amazing to photograph. I could have done that all day. There's just something amazing about capturing a mother with her new baby. Something so sweet and innocent yet so, so intimate.

Monday, April 20, 2009

I'm Back!

Getting my blog updated has been on my To-Do List for a while now. But it's been one of those things that just kept getting pushed to the back burner. I swear I wasn't procrastinating.....just no time for the extras! But I decided to just get it started. My mind has been filling up with "Oh...I should blog that" so I figured I better get going! I'll be using this space to keep everyone up-to-date on sale items and special promotions as well as a place for my clients to get a peak at their session, with the occasional blurb about whatever comes to mind at that time. So make sure you check back often.

I did a session today that was so much fun. All involved were so great! But that's all the info I can tell you. I can't post any of the photos because they are going to be ready in time for a very special Mother's Day gift and I'm not one to give away surprises. I'll post a few after Mother's Day so I don't ruin anything.