Monday, June 29, 2009


I just finished editing a session of two sisters. There's something about two sisters - no matter what their ages. There just seems to be a bond between two sisters - a bond that starts from the beginning and lasts a lifetime. These two were little but the bond was still obvious. So obvious....

Here's a shot of just the big sister. Yes, she looks like she's petrified of me and my camera but she soooo was not. She loved having her photos taken. Absolutely loved it.

I'll be adding a few more of this family to my site as well so take a peek. I just can't resist - both these girls are beautiful.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

A Mom & Her Girl

A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to photograph a friend of mine with her daughter. Just the two of them. The rest of the family stayed home and Mom & daughter had some well-needed girl time. I think this is a great idea. I hope to someday book a photographer to capture the individual moments between me and each of my children. Yes, even photographers need to book a photographer!

So here's a sneak peak from their session. Things got a little tricky when the rain started but we managed to still get some shots done. Thanks for a great afternoon guys!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I'm a Twit

For all of you that are ready to jump on that statement, hold on! Yes, you're initial thought is true. I will own up to that. But by twit I mean that I'm twittering. I tweet. Ok, enough! The deal is that I started using Twitter. And to tell you the, I'm just not sure. I'm not quite sure why I started Twitter. I really didn't need to add anything else to my To Do List. But I signed up for it anyways. It was one of those things that I thought I should try myself and see what all the fuss is all about. So if you're on Twitter, look me up. I'm there.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Mother's Day Surprise...

A while back I had blogged that I did a really fun session but I couldn't give any more info because it was to be a Mother's Day gift and I didn't want to spoil the surprise. Well.....since Mother's Day is long past, I can now blog about this great session. And the great gifts that came from it.
I was asked by my 6 year old son's teacher if I'd be interested in helping her pull off a surprise for all the Moms of her students. Of course I wanted to help! There was no way I'd say no to that. She had the kids make clay frames and instead of asking the parents to send in a photo of their child she wanted it to be a complete surprise. So this is where I came in. And I came into the school totally discreet. Ok, not quite! I came in with all my, lenses, backdrop and stand, bean bag chair! I travel lightly, don't you think?!?!
The kids worked the camera so well. From what I could tell, they all seemed to have fun. And here's the end Mother's Day gift from my son! Thanks Bud....I love it!