You would think that, since I'm a photographer, I'd have a ton of gorgeous photos of my own children. Yes, I do have great canvas-worthy shots but not as many as you'd expect. The children have what's known in the photography world as PKS. Photographer's Kid Syndrome. All four of them have it. Some to more of a degree than others but they all have it none the less. The symptoms of PRS can vary depending on mood; cranky along with a grouchy look, silly with a hands-in-mouth crazy face, clinging on mommy/photographer's leg or just plain incompliance. My littlest has been known to close her eyes, hoping I'll take the dreaded camera away. I can get any of my clients' children to co-operate with me and they have a blast in the process. But my own....not so easy. Here's a shot of PKS at its finest. My baby. I'm lucky I got this much of her.....I usually get the back of her head.
I did manage to get a shot of both the girls. A perfect moment captured on camera forever. Sharing ice cream an popsicles at the fountain. And if you could only have seen me......on the ground, moving as quickly and inconspicuously as possible just to capture this moment. Picture a scene from a Mission Impossible movie - music and all.