Tuesday, August 25, 2009

"It's Beginning to Look Alot Like Christmas"

Ok....not really. Not even close. But I had to add an appropriate title and this is all I could come up with at this hour. I'm tired tonight, what can I say?!?!
I'm giving everyone a heads-up that it's time to start thinking about Christmas. If you're looking to book a photo session to give as gifts or to add to your Christmas cards my deadline for this is Friday, October 23rd. I know that sounds early but with my 4-6 week turn-around time this means your dvd of images will arrive in good time for the holidays.
And things are booking up quickly. There aren't many openings left in my schedule between now and then. So if you're thinking about booking......think quick! I usually only book one session per weekend but from now until then I'm opening it up for sessions on both Saturdays and Sundays.
I also have some designs in the works for Christmas cards. I'll post some examples soon for you to take a peak at. I think you'll love them. I do! I'll post pricing info in the post with the examples. Check back soon for this!
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good-night! ...........Remember, I'm really tired!!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


I've recently learned a new editing technique to create a retro style to my images. I have to say that I LOVE IT!!! I'm sure it's not for everyone but I really think it gives images a great look. I mean, it's got to be the right type of image. I couldn't put it on everything I shoot. But with the right image it brings out emotion and depth to the photo. Here's a great example of my new 'retro' look. With an adorable little one to go along with it. What do you think?