Wednesday, October 21, 2009


One of my clients is about to get a surprise. And I can't wait to see their faces! It's on it's way to me as we speak. This is a totally unexpected 'thank you' from me to them. I love surprises! Ok....let me clarify that. I love being the surprisor. Being the surprisee is ok but it can be a little unsettling at times. I guess it just goes back to the fact that it's easier for most people to give than to receive. And I'm one of them.

Anyways, I hope they love their surprise. They so deserve it! I'll fill you in on the details later. I don't want to spoil anything.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

No pain no gain...

That may be true for some things but it's definitely not true for photo sessions. Especially not true for this family. This family of four had a blast during our session...and so did I! They made me laugh so often and gave me so many great shots. Here are just a few (because blogging their entire session would be a lot!)

This is one of my favourite shots. A goofy boy and his mom. Maybe I love it so much because
I can so relate.

A family session wouldn't be complete without the family pet. This puppy is such a part of this family and even though she's little she makes herself heard! And you should have heard the things she was saying to me!

And another shot, showing everyone's personality. Even as I edit you guys are still making me giggle! Redicleous! (Sorry...I had to throw an inside joke in there. You had to be there!)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

As Promised...

Here's the continued sneak peek from my previous post. This little one has a spunk to her that kept her alert for quite a while. But this session probably goes down as my quietest session to date. Mom had to put in a bit of work to get her to settle but once she did we had a chunk of peaceful baby sleep to work with. With a lot of whispering! And here's the result.

Here's a pre-nap shot. Alert and ready to conquer the world! I have no doubt that this little girl will do some big things in her life.