Tuesday, January 26, 2010

One year old already!

I love having returning clients. To watch little ones grow up from session to session and to see how much they've changed always amazes me. I have had the honour of watching this cutie grow up. I photographed her momma's maternity a little over a year ago, and then I got to meet this little one when she was a few weeks old. This was my very first maternity and newborn client so they've got a special place with me (fill in.....they were very patient as I went through a learning curve or two!!) So just before the holidays I got to see Little Miss again. And wow....has she ever grown! We all had a great time with this session. My girls even had the opportunity to watch it all. And they're favourite part.....the 'Smash the Cake'!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Help Haiti

So here I sit in my cozy house, safe and sound with all four of my children sound asleep and toasty warm in their beds. I know that the people that mean the world to me are all accounted for. I know they're safe and fed. None of us are suffering. But I also know that this is so untrue for so many people in Haiti.....for most people in Haiti. And when you really sit down and think about it, when you really try to step into their shoes and outside of your safe place it's incredibly sad and horrific. I can't even begin to imagine what they must be going through. There are mothers there that love their children just as much as I love mine. But those same mothers have to sit back and watch their children suffer through pain, hunger and thirst but they don't have the resources to help them. I can't even begin to imagine what that's like.
So I decided that for the next 6 weeks, anyone that books a session with Michlynn Schweitzer Photography can help. I will donate 30% of your session fee to help with relief efforts in Haiti through the Canadian Red Cross. It's just a small way to help conquer such a huge problem.

Monday, January 4, 2010

My newest prop

Wow....2010 already! I can't believe the Christmas rush is done and over with. Now it's back to routine and some sort of normalcy. My new years' resolution is to blog more. I haven't blogged nearly as much as I wanted to but as I've said before, this just becomes last on the list of priorities.

Here's a few shots of a newborn session I did back in December. A beautiful newborn little girl. This session gave me the opportunity to use my newest prop......a tiny set of butterfly wings. I'm not big into props but I couldn't resist these ones. Turns out the wings were the perfect size for her. And she didn't move an inch when I put them on her.

I love this family shot. There's something about the way a couple looks at their first child. A look of awe, shock and pure, intense love that they never knew existed.

And I had to capture this shot. I was getting Little Miss all set up and her proud Daddy had to capture her first photo session on video. So cute!