As some of you know I had the amazing opportunity to photograph my niece's birth last month. I had been thinking of getting into birth photography for a while now. I've been in touch with a great photographer from Tahoe that does this same type of photography and she has given me great advice and tips that have helped me along the way. It's not that easy of a task, let me tell you. And before some of you get all squirmy on me and wonder why anyone in their right mind would want birth photos, hear me out. We document everything in our lives.....times with our family, parties with our friends, our wedding day, our children growing up and heading out our doors. Why wouldn't we photograph THE most monumental time in our lives....the birth of our baby. No, I didn't do this with any of our children but in hindsight, I really wish I had. Images just for me to see, to be able to look back on and see the emotion of that day. To see the raw emotions that not many people get to see with an open mind. To be able to look back and see how you dealt with that situation, to see the bond between you and your husband and to see how your relationship evolved yet again that day. I was honored to be able to capture this for my sister-in-law. And to be able to watch a tiny life come into this world and be a quiet witness to this was a huge perk. Not everyone can say they have witnessed someone else go through the insanity of having a baby but if you ever do get the opportunity jump at it. You won't regret it for a minute. And you may never get the opportunity ever again.
Here are just a few images captured that busy night. And yep...of course it happened at night! I'll gladly lose a night's sleep to witness this.

One very incredibly, amazing midwife. Believe me, I know first-hand. She was also my midwife for my last baby.

Dealing with the pain so well.

Timing the contractions.

Love this image. This picture explains the entire story right there.

Just brand new.

What a beautiful little face. Absolutely perfect.

There was no way I was leaving until I had my turn to hold her.

There's those lungs! Such a healthy little girl.

First kiss from Daddy. Love Daddy & New Baby photos. She's got him wrapped already!
Thanks for inviting me guys. It was my honour. xo