For a while now I have wanted to capture the yawn....that tiny little newborn yawning the cutest yawn you have ever seen. And for a while now I have not been able to capture that shot. It's to the point now that it becomes a joke when I'm at a newborn session because a baby will yawn a few times during a session and it never fails that the baby yawns when I've turned away or am adjusting my backdrop or I'm changing lenses. Babies just never seem to yawn for me unless I'm not ready, even though they yawn all the time. But I was finally able to capture that perfect yawn shot. I'm a simple girl......yes, this makes me happy!!!

And here's a few more from the session with my niece's sweet, sweet baby girl. She's such a little doll.

B E A U T I F U L!!!!!
Congrats on getting the yawn! Whats next? Those cute little spontaneous smiles? :)
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