Monday, April 20, 2009

I'm Back!

Getting my blog updated has been on my To-Do List for a while now. But it's been one of those things that just kept getting pushed to the back burner. I swear I wasn't procrastinating.....just no time for the extras! But I decided to just get it started. My mind has been filling up with "Oh...I should blog that" so I figured I better get going! I'll be using this space to keep everyone up-to-date on sale items and special promotions as well as a place for my clients to get a peak at their session, with the occasional blurb about whatever comes to mind at that time. So make sure you check back often.

I did a session today that was so much fun. All involved were so great! But that's all the info I can tell you. I can't post any of the photos because they are going to be ready in time for a very special Mother's Day gift and I'm not one to give away surprises. I'll post a few after Mother's Day so I don't ruin anything.

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