Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A Little Cupcake.....or a lot

So a group of us girls headed out last night to The Cake Box for a cupcake decorating class. So much fun - especially with this group! We had a blast and came away with some VERY yummy treats. Who knew we were all this talented. We impressed ourselves considering we all figured we'd come away with pitiful looking treats. All of our kids are in their glory today!

If you've never had the chance to sample some of The Cake Box cakes, cupcakes and cookies, you're truly missing out. A great store-front shop with an atmosphere to match. Check out their website for a glimpse of their creations

Thanks, Yvonne for a wonderful evening. You've inspired me!

Monday, April 27, 2009


So being the photographer in the family it's not too often that I'm in a photo. I've told my husband that if something were to ever happen to me please let our children know I existed because there are no photos to prove it!
We went away for a familly vacation recently and I decided....being the goof that I take a picture of myself. So here's my proof that I really do exist!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Those Eyes

I recently photographed Baby B. Her shirt read "Cutest Thing Ever". I love that shirt! Her eyes are what got me though. So big, so blue and just taking everything in. And whenever I needed her to she'd look right into my camera.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Workshop Today

What a great day! I facilitated another workshop on tips for photographing your children. Come to think of it, I really should take a look at my tips since my own children turn the other way the minute they see me with my camera! But that's a whole other entry. Anyways, I spoke at the Wilmot Family Resource Centre in New Hamburg and the group was great. I knew the Moms were bringing their kids so I had to bring my equipment with me. How could I pass up the opportunity to photograph some cute little faces. And wow....were they ever cute!

This is Little N who I would choose for a model anyday. She loved having her photo taken. Actually, she loved seeing herself on the back of my camera but that led to her loving having her photo being taken.

Then it was her baby brother's turn. This little guy had the bluest eyes for a 7 week old.

Then Mom & Baby had a bit of quiet time. quiet as you can get with a room full of children. Ok, so not really quiet time but 1 on 1 time.
Thanks so much for being great models. You guys were so amazing to photograph. I could have done that all day. There's just something amazing about capturing a mother with her new baby. Something so sweet and innocent yet so, so intimate.

Monday, April 20, 2009

I'm Back!

Getting my blog updated has been on my To-Do List for a while now. But it's been one of those things that just kept getting pushed to the back burner. I swear I wasn't procrastinating.....just no time for the extras! But I decided to just get it started. My mind has been filling up with "Oh...I should blog that" so I figured I better get going! I'll be using this space to keep everyone up-to-date on sale items and special promotions as well as a place for my clients to get a peak at their session, with the occasional blurb about whatever comes to mind at that time. So make sure you check back often.

I did a session today that was so much fun. All involved were so great! But that's all the info I can tell you. I can't post any of the photos because they are going to be ready in time for a very special Mother's Day gift and I'm not one to give away surprises. I'll post a few after Mother's Day so I don't ruin anything.